Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Momentum And Collisions Essay Example For Students
Energy And Collisions Essay This report will explore the hypothetical speed of a metal ball firearm. Themethods and procedures used to determine the outcomes will be appeared alongside thepossible methodical and arbitrary mistakes brought about by exploratory restrictions. Conversation: Since the track is basically frictionless and air obstruction isneglected, the framework is disengaged; the net resultant power of the externalforces approaches zero. The all out straight force of the framework before thecollision is equivalent to the all out energy after the crash. Along these lines, thetotal change in force of this two-molecule framework is zero. Condition thatrepresents the protection of force: The all out direct energy of anisolated framework is steady. All critical exploratory mistakes have beenincorporated into the last speed result. Point: To explore and determinethe gag speed of a metal roller weapon by using the law of conservationof energy. Decide out the hypothetical speed utilizing different mathematicalmethods and procedures. Theory: This two-molecule framework is virtuallyisolated, in this manner the all out change in force is zero. In this manner when the twobodies impact, they will apply powers on one another, equivalent in extent butopp osite in course. Bringing about one joined body that is equivalent to the sumof the force of the two particles before the impact. Materials: One (1)Ball bearing. (Weight 65.9g 0.1, Approx Size 2cm in breadth) This will bethe shot that is discharged from the rocket launcher. One (1) Cart. (Weight 678.3g 0.1) This will be the item on which the shot is discharged onto. One (1) standard Stopwatch. (Can match 100th of a second) Used to timethe excursion of Cart + metal ball. One (1) Track. (Estimating gadget length 0.50m 0.05) Used to direct truck and measure uprooting. Strategy/Procedure: 1. Get ready track by adjusting it and the truck to an ideal 180 degrees to thelauncher. Separation utilized was 0.50m 0.05. 2. Fire the metal roller into thecart and time the excursion. The metal roller utilized in this test, took anaverage of 1.14 0.1 seconds to finish 0.50 meters. 3. Work out the theoreticalvelocity of the metal roller in the barrel of the launcher. Conditions utilized todetermine hypothetical last speed: NOTE: During whole trial, safetyglasses are to be worn. Any observer that isn't wearing security glasses shouldwatch from a protected separation. Results: Errors represented: Parallax Error:0.05m Stopwatch/Timing Error: 0.1s Mass estimation blunder: 0.1g Recordedmeasurements (excluding vulnerability): Times for in general excursion: 1.13s,1.13s, and 1.16s Distance: 0.50m Mass of Ball Bearing: 65.9g Mass of Cart:678.3g To decide normal time (excluding vulnerability): To decide massof joined body after crash: To decide speed of consolidated body aftercollision: s = 0. 50m 0.05 t = 1.14s 0.1 s = 0.50m 10% t = 1.14 8.7% To determinevelocity of metal roller in barrel of rocket launcher: The gag speed ofthis metal roller weapon is: . Mistakes not joined into strategy: The ballbeating itself has a little drag coefficient, in spite of the fact that the truck, which the ballbearing is terminated into, may encounter air grating. All airfriction/obstruction was dismissed. End: This examination demonstrated myhypothesis right. All through the whole test the general change inmomentum approached zero. At the point when the two particles crashed there force wasconserved bringing about one body that was the consolidated mass and energy of theprevious bodies. The outcome was gotten by perceiving that the initialvelocity/energy of the metal ball could be controlled by using theconservation of force law; that as long as the net resultant outside forcesequal zero, the force will be steady. From this activity I learnt newmethod and strategies utilized in computing mistakes and vulnerability. .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 , .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .postImageUrl , .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 , .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:hover , .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:visited , .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:active { border:0!important; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:active , .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:hover { murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2 ee971e060 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u71f50aa01dd5062785f51c2ee971e060:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Analysis of Emily Dickinson EssayPhysics
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The lottery winner Essay Example For Students
The lottery champ Essay The book begins in Manhattan, New York in present day times. The book generally happens in New York city however all through the book they additionally travel to London, England, cypress point spa, and a few different spots. The book finishes back in Manhattan, New York. Alvirah Meehan is a previous house keeper that is close to her sixties and has left her place of employment after her and her better half became super wealthy in the triumphant of the lottery. Alvirah began checking out helping individuals with murders and different issues that she stumbled into while traversing the world. After she had won the lottery the New York Globe news paper had gotten some information about every last bit of her various undertakings. We will compose a custom exposition on The lottery champ explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Willy Meehan is around his sixties, he has blue eyes with white hair. Willy is a previous handyman who quit his place of employment in the wake of wining the lottery with his better half Alvirah. Willy appreciates going with Alvirah to all the better places. He is extremely strong and help full to Alvirah to her greatest advantage of helping other people with there wrongdoings. He likewise appreciates helping poor people or simply those individuals that cant stand to employ a handyman so he portion the activity for nothing. Brian who is some place around his twenties, he is a best in class acclaimed play essayist. Brian is the nephew of Willy. Brian is first presented in the principal story called The body in the closet.He was remaining at the condo of Willy and Alvirah were a body was found in there wardrobe at there come back from that point excursion to England. He turns into the principle suspespect in the homicide since he was the last be in the loft. This was not something beneficial for Brian on the grounds that his profession was simply taking off with all the incredible plays he was composing. Brian turns out to be fortunate with the assistance of Alvirah as they demonstrate his blamelessness. Brian then had the option to backpedal on with is works of the plays. Cynthia Lathem was seen as liable for the homicide of her dad in the second story.It all happened when she was in her lesser year of the Rhode Island School of Design when her progression father Stuart Richards was discovered shot to death in the investigation of his house. Cynthia went through 12 years in jail for the homicide. She invested the energy thinking and asking herself who could have set me up. Cynthia realized that she was honest and that is the point at which she meet Alvirah who was the response to every one of her issues since she was going to help demonstrate her guiltlessness. Cynthia demonstrated her honesty and afterward proceeded to wed and make an amazing most. Rhonda Alvirez the champ of 6,000,000 dollars. She was last cheated out of the cash by her significant other when he traded the ticket with a ticket purchased by the woman he had thought he began to look all starry eyed at. A woman that he had been having an illicit relationship with. His goals where to escape with her, yet things turned crazy and he was slaughtered. Rhonda then turned into the principle suspect in the homicide just to compound the situation in her life. Be that as it may, by and by Alvirah was to the salvage she meet her and Alvirah started to take over by experiencing her wrongdoing illuminating methods. With the assistance of Alvirah Rhonda was seen not as liable and got the 6,000,000 dollars that was so legitimately hers. The book begins with Alvirah and willy coming back from their excursion from England soon after they became super wealthy in the lottery. Alvirah checks out tackling wrongdoings and murders so at each outing she winds up in getting herself into who knows what managing wrongdoing. She helps numerous individuals all through the book where it finishes back in New York where she tackles her last wrongdoing. .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f , .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .postImageUrl , .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f , .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:hover , .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:visited , .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:active { border:0!important; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:active , .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:hover { obscurity: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u84 a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u84a982eb358ff5f91c03714847ff250f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Application Stuff: EssayThe topic of the book was that Alvirah by they way she won the lottery and wound up to be awesome at wrongdoing illuminating as she ventures to the far corners of the planet helping individuals just as in her old neighborhood Manhattan, New York. She needed to be separated of everything regardless of how much damage it would bring to herself. There was in any event one time in the book where she nearly had her own life taken by someone else while attempting to help illuminate a wrongdoing. I feel that Alvirah learns in this book she could have been significantly preferred investigator over only a housekeeper. The book was exceptionally intriguing. It was in every case hard to track down a spot to stop perusing. The book was extremely dramatic continually leaving you to think about what could conceivable occur straightaway. I was consistently on the edge of my seat pausing and thinking about what might occur straightaway. I would prescribe the book to anybody that appreciates perusing emotional books. Bibliography:Authors Biography:Mary was brought up in New York. She is of Irish drop who thinks of her as Irish legacy a significant impact on her composition. Marys father kicked the bucket when she was only Ten years of age leaving her mother to raise her and her and her two siblings. After she graduated she went on to secretarial school so she could find a new line of work to assist her with mothering with family life partners. She proceeded to wed a neighbor who she had known since she was 16 years of age. Afterward her significant other kicked the bucket leaving her to bring up there five youngsters. Soon after she turned out to be increasingly known before she turned into the essayist she is today.Who we allude to as the AMERICAS QUEEN OF SUSPENSE. Creators Biography:Mary was brought up in New York. She is of Irish plummet who thinks of her as Irish legacy a significant effect on her composition. Marys father kicked the bucket when she was only Ten years of age leaving her moth er to raise her and her and her two siblings. After she graduated she went on to secretarial school so she could find a new line of work to assist her with mothering with family life partners. She proceeded to wed a neighbor who she had known since she was 16 years of age. Afterwards her better half kicked the bucket leaving her to bring up there five youngsters. Not long after she turned out to be progressively known before she turned into the essayist she is today.Who we allude to as the AMERICAS QUEEN OF SUSPENSE.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Offshore Drilling Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Seaward Drilling What's going on here? Boring for oil in the sea is one of the best innovative forward leaps in ongoing decades, and numerous new strategies have been created to benefit from the bounty of oil underneath the sea floor. While boring for oil has been around for a long time in one structure or the another, the compelling extraction of oil from underneath the ocean bottom didn't surface until the most recent forty years. The quest for oil frequently ends up being ineffective, however this training is fundamental for the financial eventual fate of numerous countries. All together for any boring to occur, a seaward penetrating apparatus should initially be introduced. These seaward stages can be arranged in water up to a few hundred meters top to bottom. In any case, before any boring happens, an oil and gas trap should initially be situated in the sea, and with the sea floor being at such incredible profundities, the perceivability is frequently extremely poor. To find potential snares, engineers utilize seismic looking over, and afterward break down the information they get to choose whether or not penetrating in the region would get the opportunity of containing oil as well as gas. The architects won't know whether their suppositions are valid until they enter the snare with a boring apparatus. Because of the way that the snares can here and there be a huge span underneath the sea, propelled PC innovation is required to control the boring tool to a fixed area. Introduced over the boring apparatus is a route gadget, which sends back data to the controller, permitting them to find the specific area that is attempted to have the oil and to gauge and screen the snare. Inside the drill pipe, there is a steerable engine that can be controlled to modify the drill and the course in which it is going. ... ...ould be less pressure between the government, the oil organizations, preservationists, and the general population. All the more critically, we would be following the procedure religious philosophy and regarding nature, which is the thing that God needs us to do. References Seaward Drilling Page. 1999. Bay Coast Environmental Defense. <> <> Seaward Drilling. Odyssey Magazine nâ ° 1. <> Seaward Drilling. Australian Institute of Petroleum. <> Splendid, Thomas J., Thompson, Jack H. Research Product. 21 Jan. 1980. 24 Jan. 1980 <> Barbour, Ian. Morals during a time of Technology. New York: HarperCollins, 1991.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Get Term Paper Writing Help - Get What You Need Today
Get Term Paper Writing Help - Get What You Need TodayIf you are a writer, there are many ways that you can get help and assistance with your term paper writing. There are many websites that will help you with all of the tasks that you need to do, from editing to creating and sending your term paper.If you are a student who has just taken on this new task and is unsure of how to go about it, there are many websites out there that will provide you with assistance in the creation of your term paper. These websites are great to get a feel for the processes involved, because they give you a feel for what all the different processes are.Some of the websites that offer term paper writing help will let you spend as little or as much time as you want on your term paper. This gives you more freedom in terms of how much time you spend, since you have the flexibility of going as fast or as slow as you want to.Another benefit to these websites is that they allow you to read all of the completed w ork that other students have written. You can even see all of the feedback that is available to you. This can be a great way to see if the work that you have done is good enough for someone else to copy and then try their own version.One of the advantages to using online websites is that it can be easier for you to have some ideas on what the format of your term paper should be. It will also help to have an idea on what questions you should ask, in order to make sure that you have covered every topic on your term paper.Another advantage is that it can save you a lot of time, since you will no longer need to spend a lot of time going through the task of writing your paper. You can focus on other aspects of your life while you are working on your term paper.Once you have found a website that offers term paper writing help, it can be the best thing that you have ever done for yourself. The website may also give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that you have gotten the j ob done.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Sample Resume College Internship - 2939 Words
HIP FINAL PAPER Internships are extraordinary opportunities to learn and grow. Internships are mostly designed to expand the depth and the breadth of the academic learning in the particular areas of the study. Internship is an opportunity to receive experience in applying all formulas, methods, theories in the classroom to specific experiences in the real world and to see how it actually works. I had set some goals for my internship- to earn experience from it, to earn 3 credits from it, to learn to work in the team, to gain confidence, and gain valuable understanding of the accounting field and will be able to better grasp the things how my coursework is preparing me to enter my chosen career and to strengthen my CV. An internship can also heighten the awareness of community issues, motivates to create opportunities, embrace new ideas, and give direction to positive change. A successful internship can provide valuable information in making decisions about the direction of future studies or employment. An internship is an opportunity to not only use and develop industry-related knowledge and skills, but also to enhance some of the skills that are transferable to any professional work setting. For some people, the internship is the first introduction to the world of work. No matter where the skills and understanding of professionalism lie, internship is a chance to develop them even further. I did my internship as an Accounts Executive in the McKlein Company, Chicago. AndShow MoreRelatedThe Career Development Center Counsels Students1164 Words à |à 5 Pagescounselor about topics such as internship or job opportunities, resume critiquing and developing an intended career path. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Movie Julie and Julia Review Example
Essays on A Movie Julie and Julia Movie Review The paper "A Movie Julie and Julia" is a good example of a movie review on visual arts and film studies. The writer and director of this movie is Nora Ephron. It is a comedy/drama movie which is based on the online blog of Julie Powell and the culinary career of Julia Child. It was released in 2009 and starred Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. The script has been written with excerpts from two books on of them is My Life in France, which is Julia Child's life history written with Alex Prud'homme, and a blog by Julie Powell to keep an online record of her daily routine and wonderful time she had, while practicing each of the recipes from her inspiration Juilaââ¬â¢s book. The story revolves around the lives of two women in parallel and one challenge of making 524 recipes in 365 days. Julie Powell is an aspiring writer and working as a call center operator for a 9/11 helpline, which is a dead-end job and a not so nice apartment in Queenââ¬â¢s. She isnââ¬â¢t happy with a lot of things in her life and wants a change. So, on the behest of her husband, she takes on the challenge of cooking all the recipes in Julia Childââ¬â¢s cookbook and writing a daily account of her adventure on her blog; The Julie/ Julia Project. The daily routine takes her through all the anguish, frustration, tears of failure and joy, happiness of success. The roller coaster ride of emotion which Julie goes through is the ride we go on with her. It is touching to see that Julie idolized Julia and followed in her footsteps in a way using her as a mentor and guide. Alongside the events in Julieââ¬â¢s life, there are excerpts from Juliaââ¬â¢s life, starting with married life, and moving to Paris, and trying to fill the void with petty distractions of the bridge, until finally deciding on pursuing the culinary arts. She fought her way into culinary school and started the arduous and enjoyable journey of writing the cookbook. It took her a decade to write the book and her emotional journe y was won that will be remembered. Even in parallel running lives, the obstacles faced by each of these women and how much grit and determination they showed, to triumph and succeed at the end of their journey. The movie not only bares a biographic note but also one of comic and wit making this movie and uplifting and ideal to watch with the girls. The story itself was one to touch the heart and pull on the emotional strings with the realistic and amazing performances of Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. Even though these women never met, they had similarities in the stories, giving us the moralistic story that you should follow your dreams and never give up no matter what. The movie encompasses all of the elements which go into making an epic and memorable story. It also allows the viewer to appreciate on a very realistic level that we are meant to dream, and making that dream into a reality is in our hands with the right determination. Just as these ladies found happiness, success and a sense of accomplishment in difficult circumstances.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Changes In College free essay sample
Have you changed since you started college? ââ¬Å"Does Coming to College Mean Becoming Someone New? â⬠by Kevin Davis talks about his journey through college and how the school system made him hate what he thought he loved. The question arose in his article: do you become someone different when you arrive at college? Through my experience here at SUNY Oswego for the first year, I would say you definitely learn to think differently when it comes to your major. This is not always a bad thing, in fact, itââ¬â¢s a positive benefit. Thinking differently and more critically about things helps you grow as a person. Myself being a broadcasting major, watching TV is very hard for me now. Coming to college changes your outlook on your major or field, yourself and even life in general. Before I started taking video production classes, I never realized all the work that goes into even just one thirty-second commercial. This class has drastically changed my perception of the broadcasting field and has gotten me more excited to graduate and find a job. Davis states that his teachers made him think a certain way as an English major, ââ¬Å"When I became an English major, I didnââ¬â¢t just learn certain understandings of what I read; I also had to learn a particular way of reading and writing. â⬠(Davis 115). Some people like this new way of reading and writing, and some people believe that their way is better and refuse to change their ways. If you are going to learn and advance in your college field, you are going to have to change your outlook to some degree in order to get a job in the real world. For example: the industries right now are using a program called Avid Mediacomposer to edit their projects. If I decided I didnââ¬â¢t want to learn that program because I was already sufficient in Finalcut Pro, then no one would hire me. You have to mold yourself to what the industry is looking for at the time. If you truly love your field, than this should not be a problem and you will do it without question. If this makes you question why you are studying your major then you probably shouldnââ¬â¢t be studying it. Davis states, ââ¬Å"Literary studies expected me to become somebody new, somebody I was unwilling to become. I was willing to become a business manager and, later, a rhetorician. â⬠(Davis 120). Since he was willing to become those things, he succeeded. Another way college has changed my outlook on my major is by looking at the process of finishing products. I am always constantly asking myself, ââ¬Å"I wonder how they edited that? Or, how long did that take? â⬠. I also over analyze every TV show and movie looking for discontinuances in the production, trying to find every little thing they did wrong. Before studying broadcasting I never questioned television productions but now I have learned to question everything. Yes, coming to college does change your outlook on your major which should make you into a better student and person. Ever get that, ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢ve changedâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ speech from a friend? While personality changes are usually negatively connotated, positive change does exist. When one first arrives at college, they want to take the whole college experience in. They probably join a few clubs, find new friends, talk to a lot of people, etc. During this process you may change your outlook on yourself as a person. I know when I first arrived at college I became a lot more outgoing than in high school simply because no one knew me and I felt I wasnââ¬â¢t being labeled anymore as something Iââ¬â¢m not. Davis talks about how he would have had to change his writing style in order to become a successful student. I can see how this is aggravating since writing is like your own voice, yourself as a person. Being asked to change that is like them asking you to change yourself. Sure, there are ways you can change for the worst. Making bad decisions in college has seemed to be a large trend here it just depends on how you spend your time. Here in college you might also learn some skills that you never knew you had. Itââ¬â¢s the one place where you still have little responsibility and can learn and grow as a person. You can find a long lost love with organic chemistry for all you know; changing is a part of life and finding out who you are or who you want to be. College is the perfect place to figure those answers out. Before my quest to SUNY Oswego in the fall, my outlook on life was very negative. I didnââ¬â¢t have trust in people, I didnââ¬â¢t like even being in the same room as a lot of people I knew from back at home. Moving away from all the drama and negativity has really changed the way I look at life. When you are a child, you think of college as some holy trinity where you become amazing in what you want to do in life and they get a job for you. This dream quickly goes away when you realize the reality of college. You are not going to become amazing in your field unless you go above and beyond what teachers ask you. You also have to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. And also, many people canââ¬â¢t even afford to come here, that dream may be too far stretched. College has definitely altered my overall outlook on life to the harsh realities, but also it opened my eyes to a different world than the one I knew at home. People here are much more welcome and all around better people than the students I went to high school with. This probably has something to do with maturity and that theyââ¬â¢re actually paying for their schooling so everyone is taking it more seriously, but it ultimately has changed my outlook on life for the better. Moving away is something that every person should experience at one time in their life because it makes you think about things differently than you normally would. Students in college (for the most part) have motivation, and that motivation drives them to success. Motivation is something that I definitely lacked in high school, and coming here has helped spark the flames and pushed me towards a better outlook on my future. College changes your view of your major, yourself, and the world for the better. College is a transitional period of time between childhood and adult hood. Itââ¬â¢s where a lot of people find out things about themselves, their major and the world. Itââ¬â¢s a very educational experience inside the classroom and out. It helps people better themselves and preps them for the world theyââ¬â¢re about to enter. Davis eventually found his niche in the higher education world although it started out a bit disastrous. As long as youââ¬â¢re passionate and enjoy what youââ¬â¢re doing, you will be successful in college.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
The Boxer Rebellion
Table of Contents Introduction Origin of Boxer Organization Causes of Boxer Rebellion The Aftermath Conclusion Bibliography Footnotes Introduction The Boxer rebellion, which is also referred to as Boxer Uprising or Yihetuan lobby group, was a proto-separatist group by the Righteous Harmony Society in China. The lobby group emerged between 1898 and 1901. The group was against foreign invasion and introduction of Christianity in China.[1] The revolution was also against the partitioning of China. Colonial interference led to conflicts ranging from interruption of opium trade to economic exploitation.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Boxer Rebellion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Chinese citizens were against the signing of treaties that benefited only foreign powers. The Qing regime was forced into signing unpopular treaties that aimed at subjugating the people of China. For instance, British fore igners used the power of the treaties to acquire land that was later appropriated to the church. The Chinese peasants were forced to surrender their resources to foreigners. The activities of foreigners in China resulted to rebellion that was later termed as Boxer rebellion. In 1900, the Boxer members waged war on foreigners, forcing them to seek asylum in the Legation area. The Empress, who requested the foreigners to leave, supported the demonstrators. Consequently, foreigners were at the mercy of the Boxer fighters for approximately fifty-five days. Those attacked included envoys, civilians and foreign soldiers. The government of China weighed options between destroying the residence of foreigners and requesting them to leave peacefully. Within the Chinese forces, there were those who supported extermination of foreigners. Others preferred to send them back to their homelands peacefully. This caused a delay that later on led to the defeat of the boxers and the Chinese government. Eight nations agreed to send troops to crash the boxers. Indeed, twenty thousand soldiers were deployed in China. Through the alliance of eight nations, the imperial army of China was defeated and foreigners captured Beijing. In September 1901, the Boxer protocol was signed, which ended the uprising. Consequently, the Boxers were heavily punished for being aggressive to foreigners. The Chinese government was ordered to pay sixty seven million pounds as compensation to the eight nations involved in the war. This paper will therefore analyze the causes of Boxer uprising. The paper evaluates whether the uprising was successful. To do this, a brief history of the Boxer organization will be outlined. Origin of Boxer Organization As earlier stated, the Boxer organization was also referred to as the society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. The Boxer secret society was established in the northern coastal province of Shandong. The society consisted of people who had been deprived of their rights. Members of the group had been rendered jobless due to the effects of colonialism. Colonialists had taken everything from them, including their trade.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Furthermore, natural disasters had affected many people, which forced them to fight for survival in society. The group gained the name because of their fighting skills. The members of the group had received a superb form of training that enabled them to engage foreigners in war effectively. They had been trained in martial arts and aerobics. The group was typified by spirit ownership that included the spiraling of weapons, aggressive prostrations and reciting prayers to Taoist and Buddhist feelings. Members of Boxer uprising assumed that through exercise, diet, antagonistic arts and hope they would perform surprising acts including flight. The Boxers had strong faith since they believed that spirits would come from heaven to help them in flushing out foreigners from their land. The Boxers comprised of peasants and other members of society that had been displaced by foreigners. Foreigners had taken over opium trade, which was relied upon by locals. Missionaries had further criminalized the use of opium, forcing many youths to adjust their lives. It was difficult for some of them to do without opium. Therefore, they decided to fight back in order to eliminate opium trade. On the hand, the Boxers could not target missionaries alone since Christian servants were protected under the treaty of extraterritoriality[2]. Chinese peasants accused Chinese Christians for allowing foreigners to terrorize them. The Boxers did not have sophisticated weapons that could match the kind of weapons possessed by foreigners. They relied on supernatural spirits, which proved futile in war. The Boxers could be likened to American Ghost Dance fighters. Such fighters try to fight for their rights due to frustrations and stress in society. In China, various activities went on in society. The aims of various groups were diverse. The Boxers of Shandong were particularly concerned with conservative social and ethical principles, such as filial piousness. Most of the leaders of the organization were traditional medicine men. For instance, Zhu Hongdeng was a traditional doctor who specialized in curing ulcers. The leader offered his services for free hence gaining respect in society. He was determined to revive the Qing regime by flushing out all foreigners. His ambition was however cut short when the eight nations invaded China. Causes of Boxer Rebellion The causes of the rebellion can be divided into two. There were internal causes and international causes. Therefore, it can be summarized that global tension and national unrest precipitated the intensification and spread of the Boxer movement. Between 1897 and 1898, farmers in China were hit by a prolonged drought followed by f loods. Many farmers and other small businesspersons decided to move to towns to look for food and better lives.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Boxer Rebellion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many people depended on farming, which was badly affected by drought. In towns, Chinese farmers could not find employment because they did not have enough skills to operate machines in industries. Life in urban areas was characterized by frustrations and stress, which forced farmers to seek for other alternatives[3]. They saw that flushing out foreigners would be a good idea. They would then take over businesses owned by Europeans. Another cause of Boxer revolution was the activities of missionaries in the country. The Boxers were against the activities of both Protestants and Catholics. The missionaries flocked China after 1980. The missionaries had hidden agendas, which disillusioned many farmers. They could be given free land and other public resources to construct churches. Furthermore, missionaries were not subjected to law. Missionaries were the major cause of conflict in China. In November 1897 for instance, a group of aggrieved Boxers stormed one church run by a German missionary referred to as George Stenz. The youths killed two priests and injured others. In retaliation, a group of Christians defended the church by engaging the Boxers in attacks. The event is referred to as the Juye incident. The event had a negative effect to the residents of Shandong. The German leader ordered soldiers to occupy Jiazhou Bay, which was in the southern coast of Shandong. These soldiers frequently harassed residents of Shandong because they did not respect missionaries. A section of Boxers attacked missionaries in October 1898 at Liyuantun village. In this village, a Chinese temple had been replaced with a catholic church. The premise had been allocated to the church illegally since the Chinese locals built it. This attack is also important in understanding the Boxer rebellion because it is out of this that the Boxers made a resolution to attack foreigners. Foreign powers realized that tension was high between missionaries and the locals, especially the Boxers. In 1899, the French official intervened to ease out the pressure on missionaries. The official declared that missionaries could intervene in cases involving their relatives without following the due process. This was highly criticized by the Chinese officials. Local Chinese leaders feared that foreign powers were intending to colonize China in bits. Chinese officials protested by claiming that foreign powers had to withdraw missionaries and stop opium trade if they were to be allowed to stay in China. This was not attended to since local leaders had no military power to counter the influence of foreign powers. This is a clear indication that the activities of missionaries angered many people in society. It is not su rprising that Boxers decided to rise against them.Advertising Looking for research paper on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another cause of Boxer revolt is the Hundred Days Reform plan. The program was established in 11 June 1898 and was supposed to run up to 21 September 1898. Progressive officials within the Chinese government established the program with back up from Protestant Christians. The missionaries urged the emperor to come up with reforms that would benefit them. However, the reforms alienated many educated Chinese, who went ahead to support guerilla movements such as the Boxer. The Empress sided with educated Chinese by supporting the activities of Boxer movement. Afterwards, the empress took over power as the Chinese leader but the western powers refused to accept the empress as the de facto leader of China. The new leader promised to overturn the plans established by the previous regime. This was against the interests of Europeans, who wanted to control decision-making processes in the state. The empress was forced to utilize illegal groups such as the Boxers to claim power. The Boxers fo ught to institute a regime that would be responsive to their sufferings. The previous regime served the interests of colonial powers but not the wishes and desires of the majority Chinese. Furthermore, the opium trade precipitated the Boxer rebellion. The western powers forced the Chinese population to utilize opium, which caused many sufferings since productive population was rendered useless mainly because of drug addiction. Local leaders were against European invasion because the illegal drug had disorganized the youths. Other issues that were opposed by the regime include the imposition of unequal treaties and formalizing Christianity as the only form of accepted religion in the state. Foreigners disregarded other religions such as Buddhism and Shinto. Foreigners were given special treatment at the expense of locals. Foreign firms could easily violate the law without punishment. Indeed, by 1900, colonial powers had seized Chinese land and tricked the government into entering in inauspicious treaties. The government realized later that the accords were not beneficial to the people of China. This caused bitterness and intolerant reactions leading to uprisings such as the Boxer revolt. China had been divided into spheres of influence. Each power had its own territory meaning that China was under various foreign administrations. The people of China saw that their culture and sovereignty was under threat. Conservative Chinese saw it wise to engage foreign powers in conflicts in order to restore sovereignty. Therefore, Boxer revolt was staged because of continued loss of sovereignty. Change in the administration is also seen as one of the causes of Boxer revolution. In January 1900, the empress reversed her policy concerning Boxers. The empress supported the activities of Boxers, which was highly disputed by foreign powers. The administration supported the Boxers by giving them technical support and protecting them from the law. The Boxers could torch Christian houses without facing the long hand of the law.[4] The Boxers engaged themselves in rowdy behaviors after realizing that the regime in power supported their activities. On June 5, they uprooted the railway that connected Beijing to other parts of the country. It was difficult for foreigners to conduct business since the railway was the main means of transport. Furthermore, the Boxers engaged in boisterous behaviors by unleashing terror to foreign diplomats. The German official ordered the murder of one of the Boxer member who was found roaming in the Legation Quarter. This is seen as the immediate cause of Boxer war. In the same afternoon, Boxers turned up in large numbers to participate in war. They terrorized Christians and other foreigners by burning their houses and beating them senselessly. The British soldiers engaged the rioters in war, which angered other villagers and the government. The Boxers received support from other extremist groups such as the Kansu braves. The After math It can be reported that the Boxer war was not successful. This is because of various reasons. After the war, the Russians invaded Manchuria and imposed ominous laws. Manchuria was forced to sign treaties that did not benefit its members. Russian forces took advantage of the war to weaken the people of Manchuria economically. The foreign powers occupied most cities and other urban areas in China for over one year. It was reported that German soldiers killed many Boxers because they trailed them to villages. German soldiers had clear instructions to kill but not to take Boxers as prisoners of war. The people of China paid dearly because the French officials moved to villages to collect indemnities in form of wealth[5]. Furthermore, women and children underwent hard times because they were forced to spend their nights in the cold. The Russian forces abused women sexually. On their part, the Japanese beheaded Boxers and their supporters. In the streets, soldiers and civilians loote d public resources and destroyed public infrastructure. Surprisingly, the Cathedral was used as a market center for disposing stolen goods. Some foreign officials distanced their governments from looting but it was mere publicity. Generally, the Boxers suffered because their properties were confiscated and given to Chinese Christians. The society lost a lot because it was reported that Chinese women committed suicide after being raped by soldiers. Families were left unattended, which led to untold sufferings. After the revolution, Chinese people had nothing to eat, forcing them to rely on grants from the government. Many foreign firms took advantage of the war to utilize the services of Chinese workers cheaply. Administratively, the Qing family was not overthrown. Foreign powers guaranteed the empress of her safety in case she cooperated. On the other hand, the advisers of the empress urged her to go on with the war, arguing that her regime would win the war. However, other leaders agreed to surrender but on condition that their security was guaranteed. This shows that the war was not successful at all because most parts of China were taken over by foreign powers. Even areas that were previously controlled by Chinese leaders were taken over by foreign powers. Foreign powers agreed to offer protection to local leaders on condition that they mobilized cheap labor for them. Local leaders were afterwards supposed to collect taxes and present free labor to foreign mining sites. The Qing court cooperated with the foreign powers by allowing the signing of Boxer protocol on 7 September 1901[6]. The treaty was hostile to the people of China because it ordered the execution of planners of the war. This caused psychological trauma to families of the affected. Moreover, the war was never triumphant since China was ordered to pay millions of dollars. The reparation was to be paid within thirty-nine years, which was a short period given that the state was weak economically. It is estimated that each Chinese had to pay one tael of silver. The Chinese government could no longer sustain itself. It had to rely on foreign powers for funding of major projects. This allowed foreigners to manipulate decision-making processes in government. Foreigners were given access to the economy because they could import sub-standard goods and force the locals to buy them. Furthermore, there was unfavorable balance of trade because the Chinese government exported its products to foreign states at a cheaper price. However, goods entering China were exempted of taxes meaning that the government got nothing from importation. Through analysis, it is established that some benefits accrued from the Boxer war. The US government taxed Chinese farmers to educate their children abroad. This was under Boxer indemnity scholarship program. The US government opened up an education center that would teach English language to local youths, who would then apply for scholarships in the US. Those trained in the US would then come back to their country to teach their fellow compatriots. Through this arrangement, the first university was established in China, which was referred to as Tsinghua University. Conclusion The Boxer rebellion was caused by factors such as confiscation of private property and displacement of the local population. The locals wanted to flush out foreigners so that they could get some space to conduct business. The activities of missionaries angered the Chinese because public land was misappropriated to them. The missionaries did not appreciate the existence of other religions. Furthermore, they did not follow the laws of the land. On the other hand, Boxer war was caused by natural disasters whereby farmers lost everything due to draught. They were forced to seek for employment in urban centers. The foreigners were reluctant to offer them jobs since they were illiterate. They decided to flush out foreigners in order to take over their businesses. T he rebellion was never successful because the people of China paid dearly. Many lives were lost and property worth millions of dollars was destroyed. Furthermore, the people of China were taxed in order to compensate foreign powers. Bibliography Elliott, Jane. Some Did It for Civilization, Some Did It for Their Country: A Revised View of the Boxer War. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2002. Print. Harrington, Peter. Peking 1900: The Boxer Rebellion. Oxford: Osprey, 2001,à 96. Print. Hevia, James. ââ¬Å"Leaving a Brand on China: Missionary Discourse in the Wake of the Boxer Movementâ⬠. Modern China 18.3, 1992, 304-332. Hunt, Michael. ââ¬Å"The Forgotten Occupation: Peking, 1900-1901â⬠. Pacific Historical Review 48.4, 1979, 501-529. Sharf, Frederic and Harrington, Peter. China 1900: The Eyewitnesses Speak. London: Greenhill, 2000. Print. Thompson, Clinton. William Scott Ament and the Boxer Rebellion: Heroism, Hubris, and the Ideal Missionary. Jefferson, NC: McFar land, 2009. Print. Footnotes Jane, Elliott. Some Did It for Civilization, Some Did It for Their Country: A Revised View of the BoxerWar. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2002. Print. P.63 Peter, Harrington. Peking 1900: The Boxer Rebellion. Oxford: Osprey, 2001,à 96. Print. P. 41 Thompson, Clinton. William Scott Ament and the Boxer Rebellion: Heroism, Hubris, and the Ideal Missionary. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. Print. P.58 Michael, Hunt. ââ¬Å"The Forgotten Occupation: Peking, 1900-1901â⬠. Pacific Historical Review 48.4, 1979, 501-529. Frederic, Sharf and Peter, Harrington. China 1900: The Eyewitnesses Speak. London: Greenhill, 2000. Print. P.124 James Hevia,. ââ¬Å"Leaving a Brand on China: Missionary Discourse in the Wake of the Boxer Movementâ⬠. Modern China 18.3, 1992, 304-332. This research paper on The Boxer Rebellion was written and submitted by user Journey Burgess to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Road Workouts for Truck Drivers Part 2
Road Workouts for Truck Drivers Part 2 If you missed our last post, be sure you go back for Part 1 of Road Workouts- it covered some preparation steps you shouldnââ¬â¢t skip before launching into a new regimen. This post will focus more on specific exercises and muscle groups as suggested by the folks at This list of exercises should provide you with about two weeks worth of regular workoutsââ¬âif you move from one exercise to another quickly, you can also score some cardio benefits! ShouldersFor many of these exercises, youââ¬â¢ll need only very light (if any) weightsââ¬âshoulders are delicate, so go easy until you know you wonââ¬â¢t be in danger of tearing orà too sore the next day.Swimmers: Laying on your stomach, lift your arms out to the side a few inches and move them forward in unison as though swimming. Optional extension: Make small circles and slide your shoulder blades down your back.Lateral Extensions: While sitting upright or standing, bend your elbows so your hands point f orward and your elbows are tucked in at your waist. Raise your elbows until theyââ¬â¢re almost even with your shoulders, then back downââ¬âalmost like youââ¬â¢re imitating a chicken. Use moderate weights if youââ¬â¢d like.Delt Extensions: (Front) With your arms held straight at your sides, thumbs facing forward, raise your hands straight out in front and back down. (Rear) Reach back and out while raising your arms behind you in the same motion. This exercise may benefit from appropriate use of weightsââ¬âjust make sure youââ¬â¢re not locking your knees.Shrugs: Easy to do even while stopped in traffic, ââ¬Å"shrugâ⬠with exaggerated motions. Raise your shoulders all the way to your ears and drop them back down, seeing how far you can slide your shoulder blades down your spine. Holding tension in the shoulders is very common, and shrugging and releasing can help you realize when youââ¬â¢re unconsciously clenching, which can contribute to upper and lower ba ck pain, and even headaches.ArmsOne temptation to avoid with arm exercises is using your torso to gain momentum or rock towards the weight being lifted. Instead, remain still and focus on the specific muscles youââ¬â¢re trying to flex.Bicep curls: Just like it sounds.Overhead Tricep Extensions: Stretching up and over your head to either sideââ¬âif you practice this stretch against a resistant surface it can be a great side and back stretch too.Dips: Supporting your weight on your arms, raise and lower your body from a variety of angles.Forearm Curls: Same as with your bicep, just emphasizing the wrists.Grips: Think of it as arm wrestling prepââ¬âand donââ¬â¢t burn out your joints so itââ¬â¢s too hard to steer.ChestForm is especially crucial with chest work because it can lead to working arms or shoulders insteadââ¬âwhen attempting any kind of push-up, make sure to also flex your core so you donââ¬â¢t strain your back muscles.Push-ups: Make this classic more c hallenging by moving your hands closer together (even attempt a diamond formation!) or further apart. Try having toes or knees on the floor, or clapping between each push.Incline push-ups: Place your hands on a surface thatââ¬â¢s higher than your feet, so even on the ââ¬Å"downâ⬠of the pushup, your upper body is at an upward angle from the ground.Decline push-ups: The opposite of the last versionââ¬âput your feet up higher than your head and hands. Stand up gradually after this one so the blood doesnââ¬â¢t drain out of your head all at once and leave you dizzy.Uneven Pushups: Put one hand on a raised surface or platform and the other on the groundââ¬âmake sure you even back out by swapping sides halfway through.BackSuperman: Similar to the swimmer, while laying on your stomach reach forward and up, and back and up, so your limbs are off the ground while flexing your torso. Extend past the ends of your fingertips and toes, and straighten your neck by looking at t he ground and reaching through the top of your head.Pull-Ups: Full disclosure I have never done a pull up in my life or a flex-and-hang for longer than a few seconds, but I do know they make portable bars you can install and easily take down, if youââ¬â¢re into that sort of thing.AbsIf you have a chance to take a pilates class (great for men especially, since they often donââ¬â¢t get the same kind of training that isolates abdominal muscles), focus especially on how to contract your core. Essentially you want to keep your lower back on the floor and contract your abs in order to ââ¬Å"sit upâ⬠with your ribcage and upper torso.Sit-ups/Crunches: Practice holding your hands behind your head or straight up in the air (try holding a ball or other small weight), bringing your elbow to your opposite knee for an oblique crunch, or pulling your legs up to a 90 degree angle while you crunch toward your knees.Planks: With your hands planted on the ground or bracing on your elbows, planks are great for stretching after crunchesââ¬âcheck out some beginners yoga online or in a studio near you for how to embellish with twists or stretch into upward-facing dog to counter all the crunching.Holds/Flexes: This one is great because you can do it sitting down, while driving or while standing around. Keep your abs flexed while you inhale, or make a game out of it while youââ¬â¢re behind the wheel.LegsBuild on the legwork that occurs during your cardio exercise with these additional stretchesWall-sits: With your back against a stable surface, slide down until your knees are over your toes (donââ¬â¢t let them go past!). See how long you can hold it, or for a more intense stretch, step away from the wall and bring your arms over your head.Lunges: Hands on hips, step forward and bend one knee to get both a leg and a groin stretch. Donââ¬â¢t forget to pay attention to the back legââ¬âcome onto your back toes and straighten that leg too.Calf raises: This is a great quick rest-stop stretchââ¬âfind a curb and step on to it, then move your heels back gradually until they touch the ground. Lean forward into the stretch.Step-ups: Use the step of your truck or that à same study curbââ¬âraise your knees higher for an extra boost, and match it by moving your arms together in a large circle beginning to the right, raising over your head and coming down on the left, then reversing. Alternate which foot you start with for each repetition.Squats: Make sure your knee doesnââ¬â¢t bend in front of your toesââ¬âif it does, youââ¬â¢re going too far down and can start damaging your knee cartilage.As always, donââ¬â¢t forget to stretch out before and after every workout session, and rehydrate regularly. Pick an area to focus on each day, take a day off in between, and soon youââ¬â¢ll be feeling better on the road, and off.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Data Results and Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Data Results and Discussion - Essay Example Aside from the net cash receipts from the sale of tickets, there are the peripheral gains that should be attained in commercial activity of Olympic tourists, and the spending by both participants and spectators that were to spur local businesses. After the Olympics, further gains are to be had by the benefits of urban regeneration, which is the choice and development of depressed urban areas, making them the site, close to the site, of the Olympic infrastructure, so that after the Games, the newly developed property could be productively used either as new residential housing or new sites for commercial activity, thereby spurring growth. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is comprised of household consumption, government spending, investment and net trade (exports less imports). Of all the components of GDP, household consumption is the largest which typically comprises 60% of the economy. Government usually takes up 23%, and investment 15%. The fourth quarter in 2012, the consumption rose by 0.2% in real terms compared to the third quarter 2012. According to the government Economic Outlook, this rate of growth has been the slowest for consumption since the fourth quarter 2011. The graph shows, however, that there is a spike in government consumption for the fourth quarter 2012, which amounts to a 0.6% rise over the previous quarter. During the same time, exports receded by 1.5%, as did imports by 1.2%. The next graph depicts the fluctuation in gross fixed capital formation (GFCF). This refers to the investment in buildings and machinery. The fourth quarter in 2012 saw GFCF fell by 0.4%, which is 1.7% higher than the preceding year. For the same quarter, business investment decreased by 1.2%, which is significant because this indicator (business investment) is a significant component of GFCF. The fact that the rate of decrease in business investment is three times the rate of decrease of GFCF means that capital formation
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Who would you talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Who would you talk - Essay Example Donald believes that success is always dependent on your personal qualities like having fair dealing, healthy relationships with associated people either customers, employees or competing businessmen and trustworthiness. I have learned a lesson from his principles that one must be passionate to do a certain job regardless of the mishap and troubles in the way to success. Business carries troubles and downfalls along with victory and fame. Only intellect, hard work, careful analysis of present business position and evaluation with planning of possible risks is important to sustain the current pace of business growth. I would love to interact with a person like Donald Trump as he believes that a person can come over all the difficulties in his way to success. His perceptions inspire me as they suggest a person to step forward and not to mourn, even over the most devastating loss. His life illustrates a number of incidents where he faced crisis but did not lose the hope to achieve his g oal. Hence it can be said that willpower plays a vital role in becoming a successful businessman.My personal opinion is that a person can change his views after having conversation with a successful, confident and independent person. For instance, if a person loses his confidence and his hopes he cannot do anything unless or until he sets a new aim and starts his struggle to achieve it. Hence, a successful person may grow the feelings of courage, hope, passion, confidence and competition in others. People may take his personality.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Essay Example for Free
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Essay For my book report I read the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. This book was published by Haughton Mifflin in 2005.à The novel takes place mostly in New York City, shortly after terrorists destroy the Twin Towers in 2001. However, the time switches from the narrators present to the late 1940s when his grandparents are newlyweds and even farther back to when they are teenagers in Germany. In the present time, Oskar lives in an apartment building. Across the street, in another building, is his grandmother. The two of them sometimes communicate with one another through signs in their windows and walkie-talkies. The main protagonist of the novel is a 9 year old boy named Oskar Schell. Oskarââ¬â¢s father, Thomas Schell, dies in the attack on the world trade center in 2001. While looking through his fathers closet, Oskar finds a key inside a vase, along with a slip of paper reading Black. Curious, Oskar sets off on a mission to contact every person in New York City with the last name Black, in alphabetical order, in order to find the lock to the key his father left behind. The novel also tells a separate narrative that eventually converges with the main story through a series of letters written by Oskarââ¬â¢s grandfather to Oskarââ¬â¢s father and by Oskarââ¬â¢s grandmother to Oskar himself. After almost a year of searching, Oskar is about to give up. After Oskar got vital news from one of the first blacks he met he goes and meets with a peculiar man named William Black. Oskar then gives William Black two keys, the one to the Williamââ¬â¢s fatherââ¬â¢s safe-deposit box and one for Oskarââ¬â¢s apartment. Oskar returns home and decides to dig up his fatherââ¬â¢s grave. He is joined in his mission by the renter, and after opening the empty coffin Oskar decides to fill it, but he is unable to decide what with. The renter suggests the letters that he wrote but was never able to send to his son, and they fill the coffin and re-bury it. Upon coming home, Oskar flips through a succession of photographs depicting a manââ¬â¢s fall from the World Trade Center. The main character of the story, Oskar Schell, a self-proclaimed inventor, is the nine-year-old protagonist. His thoughts have a tendency to trail off into several far-flung ideas, such as ambulances that alert passerby to the severity of their passengersââ¬â¢ conditions and plantlike skyscrapers, and he has several assorted hobbies and collections. He is very trusting of strangers and makes friends easily,à though he does not have many friends his own age. Oskarââ¬â¢s grandfather, Thomas Schell Sr. (also referred to as ââ¬Å"the renterâ⬠) is an important character in the story, even though he does not physically meet Oskar until the bookââ¬â¢s end. After the death of his first love, Anna, Oskarââ¬â¢s grandfather loses his voice completely and consequently tattoos the words ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"noâ⬠on his hands. He carries around a ââ¬Å"daybookâ⬠where he writes phrases he cannot speak aloud. Major themes of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close include trauma, mourning, family, and the struggle between self-destruction and self-preservation. One literary journal provides an in-depth analysis of the specific types of trauma and recuperative measures that Oskarââ¬â¢s grandmother and Oskarââ¬â¢s grandfather go though after the Dresden fire bombings, and that Oskar goes through after the lo ss of his father. The journal states that Oskar has a simultaneous death wish and extreme need for self-preservation: this theme is echoed in Thomas Schell Sr.ââ¬â¢s pronounced survivor guilt and Oskarââ¬â¢s grandmotherââ¬â¢s well-disguised inability to cope with her trauma. It also states that though Oskarââ¬â¢s journey to ââ¬Å"findâ⬠his father does not help him get over his traumatic experience, it does allow him to grow closer to his mother. In my opinion the book was a well written story and honestly made me look at my life and made me realize that itââ¬â¢s not as bad as I thought it was. I think that Oskarââ¬â¢s grandfather should have told him who he was. Even if I donââ¬â¢t read this book again I would definitely recommend this book to others.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Social Deviance Essay -- essays research papers
"Social Deviance" Social deviance stems from the passive-aggressive attitudes parents have upon their children. This pressure, coupled with society's own conformist attitude, causes certain members of the society to drift toward what sociologists call deviant groups. These deviant groups, like punks, hippies or other radical organizations, often fight against a society they deem unworthy of their attention and thus ignore. However Emile Durkheim pointed out that deviance is important for the structure of society (Durkheim 1893,1964). Certain groups deviate from social norms because of both their raising and social pressures at the time while others conform for the exact same reason. "One of the main reasons people choose to conform to society is that their family responsibilities impose caution. Also the weakening of youth's rebelliousness because the youth has begun to find his own identity (Dr. Spock, 1969)." People who conform to society's wishes may also be greeted with more job expectations and higher wages. Oft times these people will choose a specialist in their field and pattern their behavior after this person. This type of social conformity is extremely necessary to any growing society. Without this kind of conformity the greats of civilization would likely never exist. As each great followed in the footsteps of another, for example Thomas Edison followed in the footsteps of Aristotle, society continues to progress in leaps in bounds. The social order can thus be maintained by social conformity. Conformity also adds to the level of social control a society can attribute to its overly passive citizens. The more conformist and meek a socie ty is the easier it is for the controlling class to subvert the general citizen and force them in to their own beliefs of social control. "The conformist aspect of society seeks to subvert and control the more deviant aspect, taking an approach of them and us (Graffin, 1996)." The socialization process seems to favor those in society who would choose to conform. This makes sense since the socialization process is based upon parents teaching, and rearing, their children to become productive members of society. Almost all societal pressures aid those who would choose to conform to society, so why would anyone choose social deviance as their means of public o... ...eving they don't need belief or other people. This type of self-destruction is common among social deviants and indeed expresses much about why youths would choose deviance as a way of life (Klockars, 1974)." The social deviant often conflicts dramatically and violently with the social conformist. Two examples of this are the 60's and, in Britain, the early 80's punk movement. More examples are likely to appear as our society's atrophy spontaneously creates more and more deviant subcultures. Social deviance is difficult to define, as each group chooses to be known in their own particular way. Social conformist is not as difficult as it is the standard with which we are all identified. Without deviance, however, how we come to know what is normal? The answer to that question is we wouldn't the deviant both makes our perception of society more clear and causes us to react and act according to our beliefs. Either hatred or understanding, the end result is irrelevant it is merely the existence of the action that is important. Thus, society can continue to grow and change thanks to those who would choose deviance over conformity and chaos over order.
Monday, January 13, 2020
The Host Chapter 7: Confronted
Yes, Faces Sunward?â⬠I asked, grateful to the raised hand for interrupting my lecture. I did not feel as comfortable behind the lectern as I usually did. My biggest strength, my only real credential-for my host body had had little in the way of a formal education, on the run since her early adolescence-was the personal experience I usually taught from. This was the first world's history I'd presented this semester for which I had no memories to draw upon. I was sure my students were suffering the difference. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry to interrupt, butâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The white-haired man paused, struggling to word his question. ââ¬Å"I'm not sure I understand. The Fire-Tasters actuallyâ⬠¦ ingest the smoke from burning the Walking Flowers? Like food?â⬠He tried to suppress the horror in his tone. It was not a soul's place to judge another soul. But I was not surprised, given his background on the Planet of the Flowers, at his strong reaction to the fate of a similar life-form on another world. It was always amazing to me how some souls buried themselves in the affairs of whichever world they inhabited and ignored the rest of the universe. But, to be fair, perhaps Faces Sunward had been in hibernation when Fire World became notorious. ââ¬Å"Yes, they receive essential nutrients from this smoke. And therein lies the fundamental dilemma and the controversy of Fire World-and the reason the planet has not been closed, though there has certainly been adequate time to populate it fully. There is also a high relocation percentage. ââ¬Å"When Fire World was discovered, it was at first thought that the dominant species, the Fire-Tasters, were the only intelligent life-forms present. The Fire-Tasters did not consider the Walking Flowers to be their equals-a cultural prejudice-so it was a while, even after the first wave of settling, before the souls realized they were murdering intelligent creatures. Since then, Fire World scientists have focused their efforts on finding a replacement for the dietary needs of the Fire-Tasters. Spiders are being transported there to help, but the planets are hundreds of light-years apart. When this obstacle is overcome, as it will be soon, I'm sure, there is hope that the Walking Flowers might also be assimilated. In the meantime, much of the brutality has been removed from the equation. The, ah, burning-alive portion, of course, and other aspects as well.â⬠ââ¬Å"How can theyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Faces Sunward trailed off, unable to finish. Another voice completed Faces Sunward's thought. ââ¬Å"It seems like a very cruel ecosystem. Why was the planet not abandoned?â⬠ââ¬Å"That has been debated, naturally, Robert. But we do not abandon planets lightly. There are many souls for whom Fire World is home. They will not be uprooted against their will.â⬠I looked away, back at my notes, in an attempt to end the side discussion. ââ¬Å"But it's barbaric!â⬠Robert was physically younger than most of the other students-closer to my age, in fact, than any other. And truly a child in a more important way. Earth was his first world-the Mother in this case had actually been an Earth-dweller, too, before she'd given herself-and he didn't seem to have as much perspective as older, better-traveled souls. I wondered what it would be like to be born into the overwhelming sensation and emotion of these hosts with no prior experience for balance. It would be difficult to find objectivity. I tried to remember that and be especially patient as I answered him. ââ¬Å"Every world is a unique experience. Unless one has lived on that world, it's impossible to truly understand the -ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"But you never lived on Fire World,â⬠he interrupted me. ââ¬Å"You must have felt the same wayâ⬠¦ Unless you had some other reason for skipping that planet? You've been almost everywhere else.â⬠ââ¬Å"Choosing a planet is a very personal and private decision, Robert, as you may someday experience.â⬠My tone closed the subject absolutely. Why not tell them? You do think it's barbaric-and cruel and wrong. Which is pretty ironic if you ask me-not that you ever do. What's the problem? Are you ashamed that you agree with Robert? Because he's more human than the others? Melanie, having found her voice, was becoming downright unbearable. How was I supposed to concentrate on my work with her opinions sounding off in my head all the time? In the seat behind Robert, a dark shadow moved. The Seeker, clad in her usual black, leaned forward, intent for the first time on the subject of discussion. I resisted the urge to scowl at her. I didn't want Robert, already looking embarrassed, to mistake the expression as meant for him. Melanie grumbled. She wished I wouldn't resist. Having the Seeker stalk our every footstep had been educational for Melanie; she used to think she couldn't hate anything or anyone more than she hated me. ââ¬Å"Our time is almost up,â⬠I announced with relief. ââ¬Å"I'm pleased to inform you that we will have a guest speaker next Tuesday who will be able to make up for my ignorance on this topic. Flame Tender, a recent addition to our planet, will be here to give us a more personal account of the settling of Fire World. I know that you will give him all the courtesy you accord me, and be respectful of the very young age of his host. Thank you for your time.â⬠The class filed out slowly, many of the students taking a minute to chat with one another as they gathered their things. What Kathy had said about friendships ran through my head, but I felt no desire to join any of them. They were strangers. Was that the way I felt? Or the way Melanie felt? It was hard to tell. Maybe I was naturally antisocial. My personal history supported that theory, I supposed. I'd never formed an attachment strong enough to keep me on any planet for more than one life. I noticed Robert and Faces Sunward lingering at the classroom door, locked in a discussion that seemed intense. I could guess the subject. ââ¬Å"Fire World stories ruffle feathers.â⬠I started slightly. The Seeker was standing at my elbow. The woman usually announced her approach with the quick tap of her hard shoes. I looked down now to see that she was wearing sneakers for once-black, of course. She was even tinier without the extra inches. ââ¬Å"It's not my favorite subject,â⬠I said in a bland voice. ââ¬Å"I prefer to have firsthand experience to share.â⬠ââ¬Å"Strong reactions from the class.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes.â⬠She looked at me expectantly, as if waiting for more. I gathered my notes and turned to put them in my bag. ââ¬Å"You seemed to react as well.â⬠I placed my papers in the bag carefully, not turning. ââ¬Å"I wondered why you didn't answer the question.â⬠There was a pause while she waited for me to respond. I didn't. ââ¬Å"Soâ⬠¦ why didn't you answer the question?â⬠I turned around, not concealing the impatience on my face. ââ¬Å"Because it wasn't pertinent to the lesson, because Robert needs to learn some manners, and because it's no one else's business.â⬠I swung my bag to my shoulder and headed for the door. She stayed right beside me, rushing to keep up with my longer legs. We walked down the hallway in silence. It wasn't until we were outside, where the afternoon sun lit the dust motes in the salty air, that she spoke again. ââ¬Å"Do you think you'll ever settle, Wanderer? On this planet, maybe? You seem to have an affinity for theirâ⬠¦ feelings.â⬠I bridled at the implied insult in her tone. I wasn't even sure how she meant to insult me, but it was clear that she did. Melanie stirred resentfully. ââ¬Å"I'm not sure what you mean.â⬠ââ¬Å"Tell me something, Wanderer. Do you pity them?â⬠ââ¬Å"Who?â⬠I asked blankly. ââ¬Å"The Walking Flowers?â⬠ââ¬Å"No, the humans.â⬠I stopped walking, and she skidded to a halt beside me. We were only a few blocks from my apartment, and I'd been hurrying in hopes of getting away from her, though likely as not, she'd invite herself in. But her question caught me off guard. ââ¬Å"The humans?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes. Do you pity them?â⬠ââ¬Å"Don't you?â⬠ââ¬Å"No. They were quite the brutal race. They were lucky to survive each other as long as they did.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not every one of them was bad.â⬠ââ¬Å"It was a predilection of their genetics. Brutality was part of their species. But you pity them, it seems.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's a lot to lose, don't you think?â⬠I gestured around us. We stood in a parklike space between two ivy-covered dormitories. The deep green of the ivy was pleasing to the eye, especially in contrast to the faded red of the old bricks. The air was golden and soft, and the smell of the ocean gave a briny edge to the honey sweet fragrance of the flowers in the bushes. The breeze caressed the bare skin of my arms. ââ¬Å"In your other lives, you can't have felt anything so vivid. Wouldn't you pity anyone who had this taken from them?â⬠Her expression stayed flat, unmoved. I made an attempt to draw her in, to make her consider another viewpoint. ââ¬Å"Which other worlds have you lived on?â⬠She hesitated, then squared her shoulders. ââ¬Å"None. I've only lived on Earth.â⬠That surprised me. She was as much a child as Robert. ââ¬Å"Only one planet? And you chose to be a Seeker in your first life?â⬠She nodded once, her chin set. ââ¬Å"Well. Well, that's your business.â⬠I started walking again. Maybe if I respected her privacy, she would return the favor. ââ¬Å"I spoke to your Comforter.â⬠And maybe not, Melanie thought sourly. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠I gasped. ââ¬Å"I gather you've been having more trouble than just accessing the information I need. Have you considered trying another, more pliable host? She suggested that, did she not?â⬠ââ¬Å"Kathy wouldn't tell you anything!â⬠The Seeker's face was smug. ââ¬Å"She didn't have to answer. I'm very good at reading human expressions. I could tell when my questions struck a nerve.â⬠ââ¬Å"How dare you? The relationship between a soul and her Comforter -ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Is sacrosanct, yes; I know the theory. But the acceptable means of investigation don't seem to be working with your case. I have to get creative.â⬠ââ¬Å"You think I'm keeping something from you?â⬠I demanded, too angry to control the disgust in my voice. ââ¬Å"You think I confided that to my Comforter?â⬠My anger didn't faze her. Perhaps, given her strange personality, she was used to such reactions. ââ¬Å"No. I think you're telling me what you knowâ⬠¦ But I don't think you're looking as hard as you could. I've seen it before. You're growing sympathetic to your host. You're letting her memories unconsciously direct your own desires. It's probably too late at this point. I think you'd be more comfortable moving on, and maybe someone else will have better luck with her.â⬠ââ¬Å"Hah!â⬠I shouted. ââ¬Å"Melanie would eat them alive!â⬠Her expression froze in place. She'd had no idea, no matter what she thought she'd discerned from Kathy. She'd thought Melanie's influence was from memories, that it was unconscious. ââ¬Å"I find it very interesting that you speak of her in the present tense.â⬠I ignored that, trying to pretend I hadn't made a slip. ââ¬Å"If you think someone else would have better luck breaking into her secrets, you're wrong.â⬠ââ¬Å"Only one way to find out.â⬠ââ¬Å"Did you have someone in mind?â⬠I asked, my voice frigid with aversion. She grinned. ââ¬Å"I've gotten permission to give it a try. Shouldn't take long. They're going to hold my host for me.â⬠I had to breathe deeply. I was shaking, and Melanie was so full of hate that she was past words. The idea of having the Seeker inside me, even though I knew that I would not be here, was so repugnant that I felt a return of last week's nausea. ââ¬Å"It's too bad for your investigation that I'm not a skipper.â⬠The Seeker's eyes narrowed. ââ¬Å"Well, it does certainly make this assignment drag on. History was never of much interest to me, but it looks like I'm in for a full course now.â⬠ââ¬Å"You just said that it was probably too late to get any more from her memories,â⬠I reminded her, struggling to make my voice calm. ââ¬Å"Why don't you go back to wherever you belong?â⬠She shrugged and smiled a tight smile. ââ¬Å"I'm sure it is too lateâ⬠¦ for voluntary information. But if you don't cooperate, she might just lead me to them yet.â⬠ââ¬Å"Lead you?â⬠ââ¬Å"When she takes full control, and you're no better than that weakling, once Racing Song, now Kevin. Remember him? The one who attacked the Healer?â⬠I stared at her, eyes wide, nostrils flared. ââ¬Å"Yes, it's probably just a matter of time. Your Comforter didn't tell you the statistics, did she? Well, even if she did, she wouldn't have the latest information that we have access to. The long-term success rate for situations such as yours-once a human host begins to resist-is under twenty percent. Did you have any idea it was so bad? They're changing the information they give potential settlers. There will be no more adult hosts offered. The risks are too great. We're losing souls. It won't be long before she's talking to you, talking through you, controlling your decisions.â⬠I hadn't moved an inch or relaxed a muscle. The Seeker leaned in, stretched up on her toes to put her face closer to mine. Her voice turned low and smooth in an attempt to sound persuasive. ââ¬Å"Is that what you want, Wanderer? To lose? To fade away, erased by another awareness? To be no better than a host body?â⬠I couldn't breathe. ââ¬Å"It only gets worse. You won't be you anymore. She'll beat you, and you'll disappear. Maybe someone will interveneâ⬠¦ Maybe they'll move you like they did Kevin. And you'll become some child named Melanie who likes to tinker with cars rather than compose music. Or whatever it is she does.â⬠ââ¬Å"The success rate is under twenty percent?â⬠I whispered. She nodded, trying to suppress a smile. ââ¬Å"You're losing yourself, Wanderer. All the worlds you've seen, all the experiences you've collected-they'll be for nothing. I saw in your file that you have the potential for Motherhood. If you gave yourself to be a Mother, at least all that would not be entirely wasted. Why throw yourself away? Have you considered Motherhood?â⬠I jerked away from her, my face flushing. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry,â⬠she muttered, her face darkening, too. ââ¬Å"That was impolite. Forget I said that.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm going home. Don't follow.â⬠ââ¬Å"I have to, Wanderer. It's my job.â⬠ââ¬Å"Why do you care so much about a few spare humans? Why? How do you justify your job anymore? We've won! It's time for you to join society and do something productive!â⬠My questions, my implied accusations, did not ruffle her. ââ¬Å"Wherever the fringes of their world touch ours there is death.â⬠She spoke the words peacefully, and for a moment I glimpsed a different person in her face. It surprised me to realize that she deeply believed in what she did. Part of me had supposed that she only chose to seek because she illicitly craved the violence. ââ¬Å"If even one soul is lost to your Jared or your Jamie, that is one soul too many. Until there is total peace on this planet, my job will be justified. As long as there are Jareds surviving, I am needed to protect our kind. As long as there are Melanies leading souls around by the noseâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I turned my back on her and headed for my apartment with long strides that would force her to run if she wanted to keep up. ââ¬Å"Don't lose yourself, Wanderer!â⬠she called after me. ââ¬Å"Time is running out for you!â⬠She paused, then shouted more loudly. ââ¬Å"Inform me when I'm to start calling you Melanie!â⬠Her voice faded as the space between us grew. I knew she would follow at her own pace. This last uncomfortable week-seeing her face in the back of every class, hearing her footsteps behind me on the sidewalk every day-was nothing compared to what was coming. She was going to make my life a misery. It felt as if Melanie were bouncing violently against the inner walls of my skull. Let's get her canned. Tell her higher-ups that she did something unacceptable. Assaulted us. It's our word against hers ââ¬â In a human world, I reminded her, almost sad that I didn't have access to that sort of recourse. There are no higher-ups, in that sense. Everyone works together as equals. There are those whom many report to, in order to keep the information organized, and councils who make decisions about that information, but they won't remove her from an assignment she wants. You see, it works like ââ¬â Who cares how it works if it doesn't help us? I know-let's kill her! A gratuitous image of my hands tightening around the Seeker's neck filled my head. That sort of thing is exactly why my kind is better left in charge of this place. Get off your high horse. You'd enjoy it as much as I would. The image returned, the Seeker's face turning blue in our imagination, but this time it was accompanied by a fierce wave of pleasure. That's you, not me. My statement was true; the image sickened me. But it was also perilously close to false-in that I would very much enjoy never seeing the Seeker again. What do we do now? I'm not giving up. You're not giving up. And that wretched Seeker is sure as hell not giving up! I didn't answer her. I didn't have a ready answer. It was quiet in my head for a brief moment. That was nice. I wished the silence could last. But there was only one way to buy my peace. Was I willing to pay the price? Did I have a choice anymore? Melanie slowly calmed. By the time I was through the front door, locking behind me the bolts that I had never before turned-human artifacts that had no place in a peaceful world-her thoughts were contemplative. I'd never thought about how you all carry on your species. I didn't know it was like that. We take it very seriously, as you can imagine. Thanks for your concern. She wasn't bothered by the thick edge of irony in the thought. She was still musing over this discovery while I turned on my computer and began to look for shuttle flights. It was a moment before she was aware of what I was doing. Where are we going? The thought held a flicker of panic. I felt her awareness begin to rifle through my head, her touch like the soft brush of feathers, searching for anything I might be keeping from her. I decided to save her the search. I'm going to Chicago. The panic was more than a flicker now. Why? I'm going to see the Healer. I don't trust her. I want to talk to him before I make my decision. There was a brief silence before she spoke again. The decision to kill me? Yes, that one.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Ransom What Defines a Man Essays - 736 Words
ââ¬ËRansomââ¬â¢ demonstrates that it is a manââ¬â¢s actions that define him. Discuss. While Priamââ¬â¢s decision to defy kingly conventions and act as ââ¬Ëan ordinary manââ¬â¢ shows that a manââ¬â¢s actions can indeed make up a significant element of oneââ¬â¢s identity, Malouf also makes it clear that a manââ¬â¢s emotional connections with others define him. Priamââ¬â¢s humble request of Achilles, and Achilleââ¬â¢s agreement to this, humanize the two men and highlight their compassionate sides as opposed to their societal statuses. However, the love both men have for their sons is, and always has been, entrenched in their identities, and prompts these life-changing actions. In dismissing his royal obligations and appealing to Achilles as a man and a father, Priam defied hisâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦After savagely dragging Hector behind his chariot fails to bring him closure and satisfaction after the death of his ââ¬Ësoul mate,ââ¬â¢ Achilles realizes that an act of redemption is needed to free himself from the ââ¬Ëclogging grey web that enfolds himââ¬â¢ and define himself as a man rather than a ââ¬Ëravening beast.ââ¬â¢ However, it is also due to a shared understanding between the two men of ââ¬Ëa fatherââ¬â¢s soft affectionsââ¬â¢ that Achilles is touched by Priamââ¬â¢s speech and makes the decision to return the body of Priamââ¬â¢s son. Although it was through taking these unlikely actions that Priam and Achilles were able to escape convention and create new identities for themselves, it was because of their love and human compassion as fathers that they were inspired to carry out the exchange. As Priam discovers during his journey with Somax and his meeting with Achilles, all humans are joined by their love and emotional connections, and it is this that determines the decisions a person makes in life. It is not only Priamââ¬â¢s desire to escape his kingly obligations, but his love for his son and Hecuba, whose motherly bond with Hector amplifies her grief, that cause him to swallow his ââ¬Ëkingly pride and dignityââ¬â¢ in order to retrieve Hectorââ¬â¢s body. It is then Priamââ¬â¢s appeal to Achilleââ¬â¢s paternal side, asking him to consider if it had been Achillesââ¬â¢ sonââ¬â¢s body ââ¬Ëfor whom you have a fatherââ¬â¢s soft affections, to whomShow MoreRelatedThe Theological Theory Of Atonement1634 Words à |à 7 PagesThe early church fathers took the story of Jesus and attempted to put it into a living theology that would give the story more meaning for their current day. 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Jesus came to earth for the purpose of servitude and to become an impeccable physical model of ââ¬Å"true sacrificeâ⬠Read MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Henry The Iv949 Words à |à 4 PagesOPENING Heroism in Henry the IV has many different interpretations. The different views that Shakespeare examines defines heroism based by oneââ¬â¢s individual idea of what heroism means to them and by their values. Shakespeare also explores the two different origins of heroism one from a modern era and the second from the current to earlier period of time. Shakespeare intertwines honour and heroism into one. Hotspur portrays the idea of a dramatic hero in his time, this heroism is displayed by hisRead MorePride Vs. Humanity : Jane And Mark840 Words à |à 4 Pagesthis essay. There was a number of questions prepared for us to discuss in our essays. Iââ¬â¢m going towards the genders roles, there are 4 questions that I will cover to help me interpret this novel. The questions are what is the attitude toward gender roles? , who represents which gender? , what symbolism represents gender? , Are gender stereotypes reinforced? A gender role attitudes reflect beliefs about the roles of men and women. The attitude that was set throughout the beginning of the story was prideRead MoreTheology of Atonement and Salvation2722 Words à |à 11 PagesThe view and understanding of atonement is one of the widest in Christian theology. Unlike the dogmas that define the theology of trinity and incarnation and bring unity to Christian understanding, the theology of atonement has many different views that are widely held. The theology of atonement is one of the most important for Christians to understand, as it shapes our images of God, our understanding of salvation and how we are saved. In this essay, I will be looking at different theories ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Markan Jesus 898 Words à |à 4 Pagesto his disciples. The á ½â¦Ãâà ¹ of content here is indicative what he taught. Here, Jesus does not build his messianic identity around Jewish expectations but he ââ¬Ëdistortsââ¬â¢ it in a way that is incomprehensible by any Jew. He teaches that it is a must for the son of man to suffer many things. The impersonal verb à ´Ã µÃ¡ ¿â" is extremely emphatic as used here and intimates divine agency and design, fulfilling scripture. His self-reference as the son of Man is key. It appears as an allusion to the figure in DanielRead MoreThe Importance Of A Coaching Philosophy Sets The Expectations For A Program Essay1025 Words à |à 5 Pages vision, and core values. Mission explains the reason for a program while vision determines the outcomes a program wants to achieve. Core values define a programââ¬â¢s belief system and set the standard f or how it will operate on and off the court. When a coach defines the mission, vision, and cores values everyone involved with the program knows what he or she expects. Mission The mission of youth basketball is about creating a safe, fun environment that develops the whole person. A safe, funRead MoreHector and Achilles as Classic Heroes of Homers Iliad Essay983 Words à |à 4 Pagesbright-helmeted Hector...(398;Book 22), Hector... (149;Book 6), and Resplendent Hector...(146;Book 6) to describe the Trojan soldier, while he praises Hectors Greek opponent with such expressions as Achilles, peer of the plume-waving war god...(145;Book 22) and ...Achilles, swift of foot...(182;Book 1). Homers diction consistently portrays the two heroes as godlike and noble throughout the poem. nbsp; A second characteristic that defines a hero in The Iliad is that they areRead MoreBusi 310 Autocratic Manager Essay818 Words à |à 4 PagesAutocratic Manager William Neely Dr. Strong Principles of Management BUSI-310-D08 Liberty University Online July 1, 2013 Discussion Board Thread Re: Autocratic Manager Definition: ââ¬Å"Organizational Management and Leadershipâ⬠defines autocratic manager as one who makes a decision and then informs the group about the decision. Anita Satterlee (2013). Organizational Management and Leadership. Ch. 1, Pg. 4. Synergistics International Inc. Summary: Olivier Mesly is a professor of marketingRead MoreAir Force Rotc Field Training Essay734 Words à |à 3 Pagesmyself in was Air Force ROTC Field Training. Field Training is a 5 week course for young college students in the ROTC program to learn how to become officers in the US Air Force and particularly how to lead people in a field setting. Our textbook defines leadership as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals (Robbins Judge, 2009, Ch. 12). Now, imagine yourself dropped into the environment I was put in. I am one of 400 or so cadets in this encampment, over one thousand miles
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