Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Distribution Of Attentional Resources - 1833 Words

The divided attention effect is defined as a person doing multiple tasks at once. The completion of multiple task simultaneously will almost always lead to a decrease in performance ability seen in one or more of the tasks at hand. This has been found to be associated with the cognitive process of recall. When multitasking, recall ability will decrease, especially if the new task introduced is more difficult than the first (Fisher, Greenberg, Johnston, Martin, 1970). The distribution of attentional resources has been modeled in two forms. The first involving the idea that there is a single pool of resources, which can be divided freely. The second model suggests that there are multiple pools of specific modality resources (Sternberg †¦show more content†¦For example, two visual tasks such as reading while watching television, is more difficult to complete than pairing a visual task with an auditory task, such as listening to music while reading (Sternberg Sternberg, 2012). A common cause for interference today is cell phone usage. Cell phones create both vocal and manual responses. For example, attempting to text or talk on the phone at the same time as physically interacting with the surrounding environment will decrease the ability to concentrate on either the cell phone conversation or any task being completed in the current environment (Iudice et al, 2005). A study done to assess the level of distraction caused by cell phone usage was done on 54 undergraduate students. The students were split into two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group had a cell phone placed in front of them on the desk. The control group had a small notebook, the size of a cell phone, in front of them. Each group had to perform digit cancellation tasks, which were simple and easy to complete. Each group also had to perform more challenging, additive cancellation tasks. The findings concluded that there was no relationship between the presenc e of the phone during the digit cancellation tasks. During the more challenging tasks the students in the experimental group performed more poorly compared to those in

Friday, December 20, 2019

Two major world concerns today are the energy crisis and...

Two major world concerns today are the energy crisis and economic instability. Hydrofracking may be the key for finding the solution for both of these issues, because this technique allows the oil and gas areas which could not be developed previously to be productive. Cooley and Donnelly (2012), experts on global energy policy; state that the world natural gas reserves will be more than enough for the next 130 years, and the latest extraction technology of shale gas can bring a significant contribution to opportunities of gas industry. According to a report by the International Energy Agency (2012), if Europe and Asia countries follow the USA example in the development of shale gas production, gas reserves will sufficient for the next 250†¦show more content†¦Regardless of whatever the economic or political benefits may potentially be, it is the environmental and health issues surrounding the practice of hydraulic fracking that has drawn protests from activists and some comm unities. By far the most serious local environmental concern, and probably the most contentious, is ground water contamination. The potential risk to ground water comes from the natural gas extraction process by methane and by-products releasing. Hydrofraking technology often requires large volumes of fracturing fluid. For example, a single well may use up to 10 million gallons of water which, after being injected into the well, must be sucked back to the surface and treated (). This retrieved water is laden with harmful substances such as acids and radioactive elements. This use of chemicals is related to certain health complications on human beings. In 2010, Ohio’s citizens faced with some cases of water pollution caused by poor material quality and improper installation of containments or well casing (). Even more disturbing to some than possible groundwater contamination are air emissions of hydrocarbons and other pollutants. Methane which released during the extraction operations could accelerate the process of global warming. In addition, a rare but real risk related to well drilling and construction includes methane gas and vapor

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Alternative Investment Opportunity in the Market

Question: Discuss about the several alternative investment options. Evaluate the critical analysis of the alternative investment. Answer: Introduction It discussed about the several alternative investment options. The aim is to evaluate the critical analysis of the alternative investment. It successfully spelled out the features, risk attaching with each alternative investment and reason for investing them. Indeed, an investment is one of the three kinds of traditional assets such as stock, cash and bonds. An alternative investment is the wide range of non-mainstream investment classes. In the other words, an alternative investment term includes tangible assets such as art, wine, coins, stamps and financial assets such as private equity, real estate, hedge funds, commodities, carbon credits, film production and venture. Further, low correlation with stock bonds, difficult to determine the current market value, relatively liquid, limited historical risk, purchase sales cost may be high degree of investment analysis are the features of the alternative investment. This term used broadly and refer to financial alternatives such as de rivatives. So, it is hard to search the investment features of tangible alternatives such as wine or art due to lack of good quality data. Furthermore, it is assets held by institutional investors, high net worth individuals because of their flexibility nature, relative lack of liquidity and limited regulations. It involves to manages futures, commodities, hedge funds and derivatives contracts. (Arrow Kruz 2013). Analysis: These are seven alternative investment options with their features, risk attaching to each selected alternative and reason for investing them that is described below: Liquidity alternative investment: This investment strategy available in the ETFs, mutual funds and closed-end funds that provides liquidity in the daily basis. It is the significant part of the alternative investment options such as hedge funds and equity that available in the market. It is known as 40 Act funds due to created under the US Congress government. It is separated into two parts such as an alternative investment class and alternative asset class. This investment strategy is adopted by the five LAI Peer Group that got 1.5 percent gain while others group get losses from -0.4 percent to -2.0 percent in the market. It is a useful strategy in the current investment market as per their risk and reward compare ratio in the market. The common risk is that these strategies can bet against use investments outside those markets, traditional capital markets, tactically move within and across markets. Although, the investment concentrates on the hedge funds and liquid alternatives are subject to registered investment regulation covering leverage, diversification and liquidity. (Mendoza 2008). These are the common reason for investing in liquid investment that is described below: It generates a positive return from the market. Therefore, investors prefer to invest in this class as compared to other investment classes. (Mallin Ow-Yong 2010). It helps to manage risk that reduction in several opportunities in the organization. The investors can get quick money as they desire to collect from the market. (Mendoza 2008). It has a low risk as compared to other investment classes. It saves investor losses in the investment plan. (Mallin Ow-Yong 2010). Traditional alternative investment: Traditional investment advised to invest money in popular assets classes such as bonds, real estate, share and cash. Bonds are the investment class that provides a fixed return by government and company. So, an investor prefers to use it. Cash is a short-term investment in the certificate of the deposited and high yield bank accounts. Real estate is the common form of investment that evaluated by the number of participants because it involves purchase as a primary residence. In the other words, it manages long-term capital stocks, cash and bonds. The risk attached with traditional investment that it is difficult to make money when markets are falling. These are the other kinds of risk in traditional investment including an interest rate risk that affect the bonds and stock, market risk that related to fluctuation in the overall market, inflation risk that affecting all securities purchasing power risk, financial risk that uses of debt financing by organization, liquidity risk that linked with secondary market such as security trades and country risk such as political risk. (Mendoza 2008). These are the reason for investing in traditional investment that is described below: Lower transaction costs: It is the significant reason for investing in traditional investment option because it has low transaction costs. It attracts new investor because it provides a low cost that is beneficial for those recently start an investment with limited budget. Due to lower transaction cost it reduce the risk of high investment benefit. It is the mostly prefer by small money investors in the market. (Arrow Kruz 2013). Avoid market volatility: It is the significant factor that affected the market volatility. Market volatility is the part of every business that affected the organization growth and development. Low volatility reduces the investor stress when they invest in first time in any investment class option in the market. (McGuire 2010). Tax benefit: It is beneficial for the long-term investors that want some tax benefit because they have to pay long tax due to high return on their investment value. It is the significant part of any investment opportunity that affected the investment business in the market. (Mendoza 2008). Diversification value: It provides varieties of investment in the market. It is the significant factor that affected the new investor in the market. A big investor desire to invest in several opportunities that helps to jugde that which is most appropriate and beneficial for them. (Arrow Kruz 2013). Gold alternative investment: It is famous investment class in the worldwide, especially in India where it is part of culture. So, women used it as gold ornaments. It is most safe investment class as compared to other class of investment. These are the following risk attached with gold that it is not commodity which you can eat. In 2008, gold lost more than 30 percent value from his peak rate. In 1980s, gold lost 65 percent value in two year. It has no income generating capabilities. These are the main reason for investing in gold that is described below: The investors should invest in gold because it is easy to buy or sell and provide good correlation to gold price. (Rousseau 2007). It helps to protect investor saving against the currency devaluations. (McGuire 2010). It helps to protect purchasing power inflation is steadly increasing in the market. An investor should invest in gold because it helps to protect portfolio and wealth, if economic crisis in particular country. (Kiesel 2010). An investor havent any counterparty risk with gold. (Stein DeMuth 2011). It is low risk investment as compared to other investment and it have always upside move in long-term investment perspective. (Rousseau 2007). Investment wine alternative investment: It is a gold bullion, fine art, tulip bulbs and rare coins that known as alternative investment. This investment includes two methods. One is purchasing and reselling bottles and second is purchasing shares in an investment wine fund that provide benchmark for the investors capital. It is the risk attached with investment wine such as not moving upwards from 2006-2008, no dividend payments and unregulated market. (Kiesel 2010). These are the main reason for investing in an investment wine that is described below: An investment wine has low risk as compared to other investment classes in the market. It is not too much volatile as share and stocks. (McGuire 2010). In 2001, it is outperformed the equity indices in western market with average 16 percent return. (McGuire 2010). It is associated with the law of supply and demand that is the main reason for investing in the wine investment option. It is improving assets that raising its value and price. It is also known as consumable and tangible assets. (McGuire 2010). Silver alternative investment: It is used as the precious metal class investment. It is known as forms of money and store of value. It lost its role in legal tender in all developed nations. The main risk involved with silver investment is that it is unable to liquidate your metals because you need to find buyers, it requires to pay high commission to silver sellers and it doesnt provide an interest from the bank. (Stein DeMuth 2011). Further, these are the reason behind for investing in silver investment that is described below: It is an universal currency. So, an investor can get easy buyer of it in their region. (Reilly Brown 2011). It has a small market that outperformed constantly from the several years. It doesnt seize by the government. (McGuire 2010). It provides a good return in the long-term that is the main reason for investment them. (Reilly Brown 2011). Chartered alternative investment: Chartered investment is the class of investment that that created by the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) for professional design perspective. The CAIA was established by the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) in 2002. It is separated in the two levels such as focus on the advance topic and second focus on the fundamentals alternative investment. Chartered investment pays lower return an compared to other investment class that is the main risk involved with them. (Larry, Swedroe Kizer 2010). These are the reason for investing in the Chartered alternative investment that is described below: It focused on investment trends as compared to an individual transaction. It helps to raise the investors understanding about the market. (Larry, Swedroe Kizer 2010). Philatelic alternative investment: Philatelic investment is stamp that aim to get profit from the market. A philatelic is one type of the tangible investment that desire to evaluating the value of the stamp. Tangible investment includes rare, coins, art, antiques that are called as the term of alternative investment. Not guaranteed return, high cost of sell, the expert stamps required, difficult to determine the present market value, little reliable historical information and spend time to sell the investment schemes are the involved risk in the Philatelic investment. (Stein DeMuth 2011). Further, these are the reason to an investment in philatelic investment that is described below: It is not a financial assets. So, it will perform well in high inflation. (Reilly Brown 2011). It has an interesting historical background. (Kiesel 2010). It is portable store that made investment safe. So, an investor should invest in it. Liquidity is the main things that attract investors in the market. (Kiesel 2010). It is the confidential investment. So, an investor will invest in this class of investment. (Reilly Brown 2011). Conclusion On the basis of above analysis, concluded that the features, risk and reason for investing them as well as high ability to adopt new approach in alternative investment helps it to maintain its competitive position in the investment market of the world. Due to varieties of the investment option, an investor has an opportunity to invest as per their budget. It would helpful to raise the money in alternative investment option. Gold and silver are the popular investment class in the worldwide. Nowadays, liquid investment is becoming famous in the present market because it reduce high risk in the investment option. Liquid, traditional, gold, investment wine, silver chartered and palladium are an important alternative investment that raises the investor interest to mention in their portfolio. Due to varieties of the alternative investment class, the investors have a huge opportunity to invest in a different segment as per their budget of money. Recommendation It provides several recommendations for the alternative investment that is described below: An alternative investment should provide security in the return concern that raise the investor confidence to invest more and suggest someone else friend or relative to investment in this opportunity to capital gain. (Kiesel 2010). It helps to divide their invested money in different kinds of portfolio that protects investor money from market volatility. (Stein DeMuth 2011). They should hire professional consultants that help to protect from market risk. An alternative investment should provide several opportunity as per their capacity to invest in the diversified portfolio. (Kiesel 2010). References Aivazian, VA, Ge, Y, Qiu, J, 2005, The impact of leverage on firm investment: Canadian evidence, Journal of corporate finance, 11(1), pp.277-291. Amenc, N, Martellini, L, Vaissi, M, 2003, Benefits and risks of alternative investment strategies, Journal of Asset Management, 4(2), pp.96-118. Arrow, KJ, Kruz, M, 2013, Public investment, the rate of return, and optimal fiscal policy (Vol. 1), Routledge, New Jersey. Athanassiou, P, 2012, Research Handbook on Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Alternative Investments, Edward Elgar Publishing, New York. Kiesel, R, 2010, Alternative Investments and Strategies, World Scientific, New York. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Peyote use Essay Example For Students

Peyote use Essay Drug use for religious purposesJamie GipsonSome of my ancestors are Native American so choose the book:The Peyote CultLa Barre, Weston. (1969).New York: Schocken Books. This book is a study of the background of the Mexican and American Indian rituals based on the plant that produces profound, but temporary sensory and psychic derangements. Peyote is a spineless cactus (Lophophora williamsii), ingested by people in Mexico and the United States to produce visions. The plant is a light blue-green and bears small pink flower. The crown, called a peyote, or mescal, is cut off, chewed, brewed into a drink, or rolled into pellets to be swallowed. The active substance in peyote is mescaline, one of several naturally occurring hallucinogenic drugs. Mescaline tastes bitter, causes an initial feeling of nausea, and then produces visions and changes in perception, time sense, and mood. There are no uncomfortable aftereffects. Peyote use is central to traditional Native American religious practic es practices that predate this countrys founding. Anthropologists date the religious use of peyote back 10,000 years, and its use by Native North Americans has been documented since the 1600s. The present day Native American Church, with 250,000 members and chapters in 20 states, advocates the religious use of peyote. According to practitioners, peyote use is a spiritually profound exercise, and ranks among the oldest, largest and most continuously practiced religions in the Western Hemisphere. Peyote is a sacrament to believers, something which when eaten provides awareness of God. The medical evidence shows that religious peyote use is not harmful to the practitioner, and it is taken in private and secluded religious settings. In fact, to ingest peyote other than in a religious setting is regarded as a sacrilege. Aside from this religious use, peyote is a controlled substance, illegal in all 50 states.Professor La Barre strongly supports the legitimate use of natural peyote in th e ritual of the Native American Church: Western man already complacently accepts (since it is ours) the mass use of substances such as tobacco and alcohol which, to physical health can be more dangerous, than a weekly Indian use of a feebly psychotropic desert plant. The book reports that the peyote Indians sometimes hears the voice of the Great Spirit, they feel they are in the presence of God. Some experiences have been described as a feeling of great peace and contentment, floating, peace, contentment, and being a part of goodness. Many say words cant describe the experience.Since the book was written a lot has happened. On April 14, 1994, Representative Bill Richardson introduced an amendment, H.R. 4230, to the American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA). This amendment protects the First Amendment rights of Native Americans to practice their religion through the use of peyote as a religious sacrament. The Drug Enforcement Administration has a longstanding regulatory exemption, which allows for the non-drug use of peyote in bona fide religious ceremonies for the Native American Church. Twenty-eight states have similar exemptions, but twenty-two states do not. I think the constitutional rights of Native Americans to exercise their religion m ust be ensured.Although 28 states have laws that protect the use of peyote as a sacrament, the laws are inconsistent with each other. Tribes located in different states are treated differently regarding peyote use. Native American Church members who have lawfully acquired peyote in Texas can be arrested and subject to felony prosecution in the 22 states that do not protect religious use of peyote, even for just driving through those states. Anthropologists give the Native American Church a good report, noting among other things that members resist alcohol and alcoholism better than do non-members. The conclusion to which evidence currently points would seem to be that chemicals can aid the religious life, but only where set within a context of faith and discipline. Drugs appear able to induce religious experiences; it is less evident that they can produce religious lives. Religion is more than religious experiences. Bibliography: