Thursday, November 28, 2019

Censoring Internet Essays - Internet Memes, Content-control Software

Censoring Internet The freedom of speech that was possible on the Internet could now be subjected to governmental approvals. For example, China is attempting to restrict political expression, in the name of security and social stability. It requires users of the Internet and e-mail to register, so that they can monitor their activities (Gates). In the United Kingdom, state secrets and personal attacks are off limits on the Internet. Laws are strict and the government is extremely interested in regulating the Internet with respect to these issues (Gates). Laws intended for other types of communication will not necessarily apply in this group. Through all the components of the Internet it becomes easy to transfer material that particular governments might find objectionably. However, all of these ways of communicating on the Internet make up a large and vast system. For inspectors to monitor every e-mail, every article in every Newsgroup, every webpage, every IRC channel, every Gopher site, and every FTP site would be near impossible. Besides taking as extraordinary amount of time and money, attempts to censor the Internet violate freedom of speech, a right that is included in democratic constitutions and international laws (Silencing the Net...). It would be a breach of the First Amendment. The Constitution of the united States of America Declares that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to asse3mble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" (Constitution). Therefore it would be unconstitutional for any sort of censorship to occur on the Internet. Even though it is illegal, restrictions on Internet access and content are increasing worldwide under all forms of government. In France, a country where the press generally has a large amount of freedom, the Internet has been in the spotlight. A banned book on the health History of former French president Francois Mitterrand was republished electronically on the World Wide Web (www). To enforce censorship of the Internet, free societies find that they are becoming more closed, and closed societies find new ways to crush political expression and opposition (Silencing the Net...). Vice President Al Gore, while at an international conference in Brussels about the Internet, said that "Cyberspace is about protecting and enlarging freedom of expression for all our citizens... Ideas should not be checked at the border."(McCullagh) Another person attending that conference was Ann Breeson of the American Civil Liberties Union. She is quoted as saying, "Our big victory at Brussels was that we pressured them enough so that Al Gore in his keynote address made a big point of stressing the importance of free speech on the Internet."(McCullagh) Many other organizations have fought against laws and have succeeded. A prime example of this is the fight that various groups put on against the recent Communication Decency Act (CDA) of the U.S. Senate. The Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition, on February 26, 1996, filed a historic lawsuit in Philadelphia against the U.S. Department of Justice and Attorney General Janet Reno to make certain that the First Amendment of the U.S.A would no be compromised by the CDA. Just the range of plantiffs alone shows the dedication that is felt by many different people and groups to the cause of tree speech on the Internet (Silberman). "Words like *censored*, *censored*, piss, and tits. Words of which our mothers (at least some of them) would no doubt disapprove, but which by no means would be regulated by the government. Bet it's not just about dirty words. It's also it's also about words like AIDS, gay, and breasts. It's about sexual content, and politically controversial topics like drug addiction, euthanasia, and racism" (Irwin). In France, a high court has struck down a bill that promoted the censorship of the Internet. Other countries have attempted similar moves. The Internet cannot be regulated like other things can simply because it is not the same as anything else that we have. It is a totally new and unique form of communication and deserves to be given a chance to prove itself. Laws of one country cannot be enforced in another country and this is true with the Internet because the Internet has no borders. Although North America has the largest share of servers, the Internet is still a worldwide network. This means that domestic regulations cannot oversee the rules of foreign countries. It would be just as easy for an American teenager to download pornographic material from England as it would

Sunday, November 24, 2019

MEMS essays

MEMS essays Micro-Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) Micro-electromechanical systems are a technology based on the combination of computer and mechanical elements such as: sensors, valves, actuators, mirrors and gears enclosed in semiconductor chips. It is basically the integration of micromechanisms and microelectronics. The combination of these engineering areas makes impact near all branches of science and technology in fields such as biology, medicine, automotive engineering and others. MEMS, also called smart matter, because they are able to do information processing and transduction tasks for certain applications. So it would be a device that can sense and react accordingly to the environment. Motivating factors behind MEMS include the package size due to its decreased size. In addition facts of manufacturing and economic advantages are also present. Potentially, such chips can be built in large quantities at low cost. A high develop sensor takes information from the environment without damaging the environment. Therefore, ener gy exchange is reduced. Fast response and high sensitivity with minimal power are also important attributes. MEMS can be used for numeral purposes. MEMS are being used in lots of different fields of science and engineering, such as: biotechnology, communications, accelerometers and other. In the biotechnology field, DNA amplification and identification system has been developed called Polymerase Chain Reaction. A Scanning Tunneling Microscope, for the detection of hazardous chemical and biological agents. In communications high frequency devices circuits would be benefit by MEMS technology. Inductors and tunable capacitors with are electronic devices can improve if made with MEMS technology. All of these will improve the performance of communication circuits and at the same time power consumption and cost will be reduced. MEMS accelerometers are replacing the ones now for crash air bag deployment system...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Field outing report on High Park Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Field outing on High Park - Lab Report Example Introduction For the past decades, there has been a massive increase of the numbers of visitors visiting High Park. I must admit that my experience in High Park created a strong platform for me to appreciate nature and its wide range of species. This park is found in a hilly landscape and it is well-known for its natural park, sporting facilities, the zoo, playgrounds, education facilities, and cultural facilities. Since its establishment, the park has ranked the largest within Toronto city. While in the park, I found out that the park is the home to various wildlife species that to date attracts millions of visitors across the globe. This report provides a detailed description of the habitat I explored, the plants I saw, and the supplementary information I researched about the plants’ features. I had an amazing opportunity to watch the rare Black Oak Savannah habitat. About a third of the park environment consists of rare oak savannah with an open landscape. Most experts beli eve that the Oak savannah at this park is continentally significant because of its nature, size, and features of the remnant ecosystem (High Park Toronto, 2013). This research shows that, the black oak savannah of the High Park is considered significant because of its virtue of location and different plants that are unique and rare to find. For over 150 years, the Black Oak Savannah habitat has been an outstanding environment for different types of wildlife. This is because Oak trees have nesting sites for insects and birds and its acorns are the excellent food for wild turkey, deer, rodents, and other species. The parks department has implemented programs of acorn collection to attract a wide number of visitors who have a passion for such collection. The species I found in High Park are rare and unique to find in a park such as cup-plant and wild lupine. The low-nutrient and dry conditions of the Black Oak savannah of High Park supports the growing conditions of various plants such as Indian grass, little bluestem, and big bluestem whose binominal name is Prairie grasses. Additionally, it attracts prairie flowers such like wild lupine, showy tick-trefoil, and cylindrical blazing star. After a thorough investigation, I found out that there are various species that bloom well between the month of June and July such as rockrose, wild lupine, and New Jersey tea. There are other species that blossom well in the mid and late summer such as sunflower and bean family. At the High Park, there are notable wetland plant species such as sweet flag categorized as Acorus Calamus, blue-flag iris categorized as Iris Versicolor, and common arrowhead classified as Sagittaria latifolia. I must admit that High Park is the ideal place for visitors who love nature and ecology system. In essence, the park has different plants, trees, and flowers that capture many people’s attention. The place is so appealing in that one can pick a new favourite tree or flower each time he vi sits the park. The following section discusses some plants I found in the park plus their characteristics. Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberose) Butterfly weed also known as Pleurisy root is a native plant categorized in the class of tall grass prairies. This plant is the most attracting plant around that attracts many butterflies. The plant grows well in well and strong drained type of soil. In the park, the plant tolerates clay to sand soil and grows well in full sun and